The Story of "Beyond The Door" Comes To Life!!

The Story of "Beyond The Door" Comes To Life!!

The story of "Beyond The Door" comes to life from the 2022 L’oiseau Lune collections of ceramic sculptures, paintings and brooches!

「Beyond The Door 扉の向こうに」の物語が、2022年 ルワゾー・ルン コレクションの陶器スカルプチャー、絵画、ブローチ作品達から生まれました!



After passing through the door 🚪 of the exhibition at the real venue last month, "Beyond The Door" will open another door 🚪✨ and step into the next!!

We have been longing to deliver the world of L’oiseau Lune to people overseas and for those from distant locations of Japan. This year, we have prepared and we are ready to make our first attempt for our virtual exhibition on SNS.

We were fumbling about what could be done in what form within our current capacity, but a story was born that exceeded our expectations, so we decided to share this amazing discovery with everyone.

A story of “Beyond The Door” emerged from the 2022 L’oiseau Lune collection of ceramic sculptures, drawings, and brooches.  Each of his artworks were the pieces of a big puzzle of this story. We spread all the pictures and titles, connected this whole puzzle, and found this astonishing story. We believe this is a message from the forest to humans. 

We heard deeply in our souls the voices of nature that wish for us humans to reconnect with them and the essentials of life and take respectful care of ourselves to truly recover who we are.  We are happy to bring this message to you. 

The story will be shared in six chapters. We will be posting chapter by chapter from this week to next week. Pictures and titles of the artworks correspond with the texts of the story. You will see in the detailed posts on L’oiseau Lune Facebook page ( and at the L’oiseau Lune World Instagram (

We hope you enjoy this journey with us and cherish a part of this story somewhere in your heart. There are some artworks that are welcome to be received by you. For those interested, please come to the L’oiseau Lune Art Gallery from the link at the end of the posts.

With love and joy,

Philippe & Akiko



先月のリアルな会場での展示会の扉🚪を経て、「Beyond The Door 扉の向こうへ」は、また更なる扉🚪✨を開きへその先へと足を踏み入れてみます!!


海外の方や日本国内の遠方の方にもルワゾー・ルンの世界をお届けたいと切望しておりました。 今年はSNS上でのバーチャルな展示会に初挑戦する準備が整いました。








この物語は6つの章に分かれています。 今週から来週にかけて、1章ずつ投稿していきます。作品の写真とタイトルがそのままストーリーとなり呼応しています。 詳細な投稿は L’oiseau Lune Facebook ページ ( と L’oiseau Lune World インスタグラム ( でご覧いただけます。


この物語の旅を共に楽しみ、物語のどこかほんの一部でも、皆さまの心のどこかに大切に届いてくれたら嬉しいです。既に旅立った作品達も登場します。皆さまの元へこれからお迎え頂ける作品達もありますので、ご興味がある方は投稿内最後にありますリンクからルワゾー・ルン アートギャラリーへお越しください。





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